All-Ceramic Crowns

The Best All-Ceramic Crowns for Dental Practices

Trident Dental Laboratories provides all-ceramic crowns to dental practices throughout the United States. With an extensive history working with all-ceramic crowns, our clients can rest assured that a ceramic crown will provide an efficient solution for tooth restoration. The American consumer has come to demand more and more aesthetic appeal throughout the years, and this crown can meet that demand. With high translucency, natural vitality, and exceptional marginal integrity, the all-ceramic tooth crown is the perfect choice for patients who want their treatment to go unnoticed.

difference between normal and ceramic teeth

What Are All-Ceramic Crowns?

Also called all-porcelain crowns, this type of dental crown is used as a tooth cap or cover for a tooth undergoing restoration. These dental crowns are a translucent, natural-looking tooth replacement.

The Benefits of All-Ceramic Crowns

All-ceramic crowns are beautiful, natural-looking dental restoration options. When selecting which type of dental crown will best benefit your patients, all-ceramic crowns are an exceptional choice. This type of dental crown offers patients a wide range of benefits, including, but not limited to, the following:

  • Strength & Durability – This dental crown type is immensely strong; able to remain fully intact through everyday activities, such as speaking, eating, and drinking.
  • Natural Appearance – The color of these crowns is shade-matched to ensure they blend seamlessly with a patient’s surrounding teeth. They are designed to complement a patient’s natural bite and facial aesthetics.
  • No Chance of Allergic Reaction – Unlike metal dental crowns, all-ceramic dental crowns do not pose the threat of a patient having an allergic reaction.
  • Mercury-Free – All-ceramic crowns are complete without mercury, unlike various types of metal restorations, which can contain a significant amount o mercury.
  • No Metal Absorption – While metal crowns can release trace amounts of metal, which then can be absorbed into the bloodstream, this is not a risk with all-ceramic dental crowns.
  • Low Infection Risk – All-ceramic dental crowns offer excellent protection for the tooth they cover, so bacteria is unlikely to get beneath it and cause an infection.

The Types of Dental Crowns Available

There are various types of dental crowns available for patients to choose from, depending on their unique needs. Aside from all-porcelain dental crowns, additional options include:

  • Gold Crowns – Comprised of copper and other metals, such as chromium and nickel, these dental crowns are known for their strength and durability. This typically isn’t the crown of choice, though, due to its glaring color.
  • Zirconia Crowns – This dental crown type combines the strength of metal with the aesthetic of porcelain. Zirconia crowns have become a more popular choice as of late.
  • Porcelain-Fused-to-Metal Crowns – These dental crowns are highly durable and are a popular choice due to their aesthetic appeal and strength.

ceramic teeth on top of root

Contact Us Today for All-Ceramic Crowns

Trident Dental Laboratories has decades of experience providing dental practices across the United States with the best all-ceramic crowns. A ceramic crown is typically a patient’s go-to choice for dental restoration. And dental restorations, in general, require an in-depth collaboration between dentists, surgeons, and laboratory technicians is the core of any successful treatment. All-ceramic dental crown treatments are often highly-involved ventures for patients. We work hand-in-hand with dental offices across the United States. Contact us today to learn more. We look forward to working with you.